Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sewing Goals for 2010 - Checking In

Checking in with some updates to my 2010 sewing resolutions. I've made a few dresses for my daughter, and will be starting on her fall (school) wardrobe in earnest when I get back from vacation next week.
So, here's a recap of my goals along with a commentary on where I stand:
  • Organize my sewing space - and keep it that way!
Ahahahahahahahahaha...that's a good one.  It's a mess.  Probably one of the biggest reasons I don't sew more.  Will re-visit this one before the end of the month.
  • Sew every day, even if it's only for a few minutes
Ummmmm....also a big "NO."
  • Make muslins more often
Do partial muslins count?  If so, then, I'm doing OK on this one.
  • Finish at least one garment per month 
I think I'm close to this goal.  
  • Spend less time READING/BLOGGING about sewing/knitting, and more time sewing/knitting
Well, I have been spending a lot less time online reading and blogging, that's for sure. But I'm also not spending that much time sewing, either.
  • Figure out some way to make money sewing, or teaching sewing - and DO IT!
I think this one will have to wait until fall, when my daughter starts school.
  • Sew more clothes for my daughter 
Pretty much everything I've been sewing lately has been for her.  Next year, I need to sew something for my husband.
  • Stop buying mass-produced crap clothing (including thrift store stuff that doesn't fit well); buy local/handmade products whenever possible 
Hmmmmmmmmmm...I have cut back a lot on my RTW clothing purchases.  But I splurged a week or so ago and bought a cream colored tank top at a local boutique, and I bought a shirt on eBay which ended up fitting perfectly. 
  • Make myself a great fitting:
    • woven blouse
    • winter coat
    • pair of jeans
    • bra
No, no, no and nope - not yet for any of these.
  •  Work on improving my skills and learn how to:
    • insert an invisible zipper
    • sew on Slinky knit so it doesn't look like crap
    • use some of the tools/notions I haven't used much (or at all)
    • make great buttonholes 
Again, when DD is in school, I'm going to set aside 90 minutes for sewing "practice," with the goal of improving my sewing rather than completing a garment.

Well, it looks like I'm still a total slack-ass in the sewing department.  At least I'm consistent. :-)