Sunday, November 20, 2011

Little by little

Well, Friday night turned out to be not at all what I had expected.  DH pulled a muscle in his back at the gym, so I offered to make him a rice-filled heating pad.  Then I ended up dipping about five dozen potato candy balls in chocolate and prepping an apple pie for our church's holiday fair, which was held today.  I thought I might squeeze in a bit more sewing after I got home from my morning shift at the fair's bake table, but DD asked for a heating pad for *herself* and, since she was such a big helper at the fair, I acquiesced. She went bike riding with her daddy after lunch, and while they were gone, I took a nap.  So much for my Friday Night Sew In.


  1. I'm still stuck on the 5 dozen potato candy balls...that's a lot of work for something that sounds so unusual...must look it up on line!

  2. They're easy to make, it's just the dipping that can get a little tedious...especially when one would rather be sewing!

  3. Don't worry about missing a FNSI, we all do it. Sometimes you just have to be a wife/mom/sister/daughter/leader of the pack. Next time!

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